Tuesday, November 17, 2009

So I was only 10% right, sue me!

I guess it’s true that inspiration is all around, you just have to open your eyes. Today I was sitting in a training room looking around at all the motivational posters on the wall. This type of poster more often than not annoys me, the only good thing about them is that it gives photoshoppers something to spoof online. Just for the record that type cracks me up. Any way back to the training room, so I was looking around and I see stuck on the wall a quote someone wrote on a piece of paper. This quote really got me thinking way more than any of the posters could.

Life is 10% what you make it and 90% how you take it. ~Irving Berlin

I’ve always believed that life is what you make it 100%, but I’m seeing the error in my ways thanks to Mr. Berlin. My belief takes a huge part of life out of the equation. I forgot about other people, and events that are beyond your control. You can control a lot of things, but there are going to be tragedies and accidents and numerous other things that you can’t control, that you just have to deal with. There are going to be people that make you feel bad, or irritate you, or that just don’t like you, and you can’t control or fix them, you have to just deal with them. That’s where the 10% comes in. How are you going to handle those situations, not how are you going to change those situations, but how are you going to deal with them.

I see life like driving on the interstate right outside of San Diego (you know the one I’m talking about Nikki), 10% of that drive is you making decisions behind the wheel. The other 90% is your car (flat tire, stalled engine), the other drivers (will they let you pass, will they flip you off, or cut you off), the road (pot holes, debris). You decide how fast you're going to drive, what lane you're going to be in, whether or not you have enough gas, but you can’t control that other 90%, you just have deal with it as it comes. How you deal with it determines what kind of mood you’re in when you reach your destination.

While looking for the person who said the above quote, I stumbled upon another really cool one, so I’ll end with that and let you make of it what you will.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. - Hilary Cooper

1 comment:

  1. I kinda feel like this blog was written for me. maybe you didn;t even mean for it to be???
    love you...........
