Thursday, November 12, 2009

All for one, and one for all

Were the three musketeers talking about God and religion? Probably not, but think about that statement for a moment. All for one and one for all, that’s a very powerful idea when applied to religion. All races, all religions, and all sexual preferences worshiping one God, and one God that created and loves all races, all religions, and people of all sexual preferences. All for one and one for all. Why is it so hard to believe that quite possibly there is one God that is the creator of everything and everyone. This one God is represented differently depending on the person or group of people that worship him (I mean no disrespect to women by using a masculine pronoun, it’s just for writing purposes). There is only one God, he is called God, Buddha, and Allah just to name a very few. This might be possible, but the Bible, the Koran, the ancient scrolls, and all those other written works tell us different. We are right back to who’s right, which of these was written by God? The answer to that is none of them, they are all translations of the word of God. The word of God translated by man, and in most cases the word of God translated by man, translated by man, and again translated by guess who…….yep, man. Who are these men? Can I get some credentials over here, what program did you use to spell check and what edition was that thesaurus, are you sure that was God talking to you, and not just a dream brought on my some fish that sat on the river bank a little too long? Ok, that last one might have been a little offensive, some of you may not even be reading this anymore, but I think those of you that are left get my point. I have no problem with people believing and worshiping however they want, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else, and I mean physically or emotionally. Don’t blow up a plane or an abortion clinic in the name of God, don’t stand on the street corner smiling while your kid holds a sign that says God hates gays. That’s all I ask, be respectful of all races, of all religions, and of people of all sexual preferences, that person you're judging was made by God, and that God you’re condemning, whether that be Buddha, Allah, Jesus, or any of the others, may very well be God. Do you really want to show up in the afterlife, and meet God with egg on your face, I would venture to say no, you probably don’t. All for one and one for all, I think the three musketeers were on to something there.

Have a good one and remember, somewhere out there, is a God who loves you.


  1. I am up and out of my seat doing the arsinio hall woot woot woot! This blog is so well thought out and says what a lot of people are probably thinking.
    love you

  2. I really should have something deep to respond with.. but my brain is full of glitter(getting ready for a craft fair)... but had to say...
    I will be front and center reading your blogs as soon as you type them out!!

  3. Is that glitter in your brain purple and gold?
